Dear loyal customers,

It certainly has been an uncommon year for both our business, our customers, our customers who are also business owners and our family.  We undoubtedly did not anticipate the often overwhelming disruption caused by the arrival of COVID-19, beginning in March of this year.  Business shut-downs, healthcare concerns and general pandemic fatigue have impacted us all.

Throughout this year’s ups and downs we have relied on our customers to help our business stay afloat and for that we want to offer you our heartfelt thanks.  We look forward to turning the page on 2020 and the arrival 2021 with hope that things will soon return to what was once referred to as ‘normal.’  Yes, moving forward there may be a ‘new normal’ but we hope we see you there.  We will continue our promise to provide excellent customer service in all we do.

From all of us at Carole Lee Interiors, we wish you a happy, healthy and safe holiday.

Best regards,
Carole Lee,